Advanced software solutions for audio professionals
Apr 10th, 2010:
The picoserver IP address has changed to This new address should appear automatically in
the picoservers list.
November 6th, 2009:
New version 1.65 of Picophone released. I have released this new version, which can send uncompressed audio (16 bit linear PCM),
because it has been requested by the radio-amateur community to monitor their signal.
May 28th, 2008:
The picoserver has been moved again, to IP address This new address should appear automatically in
the picoservers list.
August, 28, 2007:
The picoserver is now on IP address The latest Picophone available on the website shows it in its dropdown list,
the older versions unfortunately not (my ISP has changed some rules, so I had to change the extension of the file name that contains
the list of picoservers).
June 8th, 2005:
v-Phone Communication Center released. v-Phone is the successor of Picophone and has been written
in collaboration with an Israeli company.
May 10th, 2005:
Registration of new users is now available again and is automatic (users only require to type in Picophone
settings a username, that is not taken yet, and a password).
April 12th, 2005:
The picoserver is now on again on IP address Registration of new users is not available yet.
April 8th, 2005:
The picoserver will be down for a couple of days. Then it will be on another IP address.
March 28th, 2003:
Picophone 1.60 released.
Picoserver service available. Click here
to register on the Picoserver:
January 6th, 2003:
QPhone demo and manual are
available for download
November 14th, 2002:
Answering machine and SMS
center demo's are available for download
October 31st, 2002:
Picophone 1.50 released
August 17th, 2002:
QPhone released
July 16th, 2002:
Qnet demo available online
July 2nd, 2002:
Picophone 1.40 released
July 1st, 2002:
Home page completely revisited