Ing. Marko Vitez
Advanced software solutions for audio professionals.
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This is Marko Vitez, the person behind the projects present here. I began to work with Quadrum d.o.o. from Slovenia to develop a complete radio automation suite for their radio station. It was 1996, when the VMDSS projects started. It was a complete system for radio automation under DOS. It used Digigram audio cards for MPEG-1 Layer 2 audio encoding and decoding, since no 486-type processor was able to perform such tasks. Layer-3 wasn't even known in those times. Next to VMDSS a software for audio streaming over ISDN and IP was born, I-Live. It was my first software to be sold on the market (by Logical Tools S.r.l.).

Because of all the limits of DOS, it became evident, that a completely new software had to be written for Windows: Qnet was born. It is a very comprehensive system for radio stations management. Its name derives from Quality Network, since it has been thought from the beginning to manage a network of radio stations to obtain a quality radio program in an effective way. During the last years Qnet has evolved a lot, becoming a complete solution for video, too. It is now used in various TV broadcasting stations, for both standard and high definition.

During the development of Qnet, I graduated in Electronics Engineering with a thesis on advanced techniques for audio streaming over a priority enabled Internet. It permitted me to obtain a grant from the CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni ) and to work at the University of Trieste in the field of satellite multimedia communications. The main activities were development and implementation of queueing algorithms for multimedia transmissions over the Internet, improvement of existing source codecs for speech, audio and video for scalable encoding (MPEG-4) and the implementation of a TDMA controller for satellite access, in collaboration with CNUCE from Pisa and Marconi Communications from Catania. I started my interest in VoIP there and now I am the main developer of a complete VoIP solution called vPhone (both server and client applications).

Curriculum vitae
Curriculum vitae (italian version)
Some of my projects